From the Clyde to the world: a heritage of shipbuilding

The River Clyde’s shipbuilding heritage is one of the most significant and influential in the world. For centuries, the Clyde has been a hub of innovation and development in both merchant and naval shipbuilding, producing some of the most significant vessels in history. From the iconic steamships of the 19th century to the world-class warships of the 20th century, the Clyde has played an essential role in shaping maritime history. As such, it is crucial that this rich legacy is preserved, celebrated, and studied to provide an insight into the past and inspire future generations of innovators and designers.

A New Beginning For Our Ship- Support Us Now

The Clyde Naval Heritage project is an exciting initiative that aims to preserve the rich shipbuilding history of the River Clyde for future generations. Many commercial and naval warships have been built in the River Clyde Shipyards for both the Royal Navy and many countries around the world, not to mention some of the world’s most iconic transatlantic liners such as the Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth & QE2.  Most of the shipyards are gone and little remains of that heritage. 

Our project aims to address this by creating a Heritage Museum site focused on telling the story of the people and ships they built.

Visitors will embark on a journey through 250 years of naval and commercial shipbuilding history.  Central to  this story will be an Amazon class frigate type, HMS Ambuscade/PNS Tariq, donated to our charity by The Pakistan Government. This ship’s journey will be revealed through the eyes of the people who built her and served upon her both in the UK and in Pakistan. The Clyde Naval Heritage Village will expand upon this history through the Clyde Naval and Commercial Shipbuilding Collection, The Falklands Conflict and The Type 21 Fleet. Each collection will offer an insight into life as a shipyard worker and in the service.

The Mission

Repatriate, Preserve & Protect

Repatriate – Having  secured the ship in an agreement with the Pakistan Navy the task that lies before us is to bring her home.

Preserve – On arrival on the Clyde the intention is to  preserve her as a static exhibit for public display. At the same time we will create an archive of the wider commercial shipbuilding heritage of the Clyde (at one point almost one fifth of all ships in the world were built on the Clyde).

Preserve the impact of change brought about by this ship on the Pakistan Navy. 

Through digital technologies we will preserve the oral and visual history of the shipyard workers and those who served.  

Protect – For the first time we will create a Falklands Exhibition beside the ship that will honour those that took part. She will be accompanied by other exhibits from that period, including aircraft, engine exhibits and other military vehicles.

All historically significant artefacts will be displayed in a safe secure environment.


Community we aim to foster community involvement and bring people together—locals, enthusiasts, and tourists to celebrate a shared history. 

We will provide growth though the development and regeneration of a derelict site and offer job, business and volunteering opportunity to the wider community.


Clyde Naval Heritage is passionate about providing a memorable, interactive experience for all ages. It will engage with colleges, universities and schools  offering opportunities to help  stimulate the potential new engineers, designers and digital specialists of the future.

Come join us

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